Monday, July 20, 2009

Blue Bell, Pa.Young Adjustment Company, Inc. Locations

Young Adjustment Comapny, Inc. can be found at six different locations:

Corporate Office

900 Lenmar Drive

Blue Bell, PA 19422

PH: 215-654-6800

FX: 215-654-6801

Scranton / Wilkes Barre Office

P.O. Box 6

Blakeslee, PA 18610


Delaware Office

Suite 43

501 Silverside Road

Wilmington, DE 19809


Lehigh Valley Office

2989 Mauch Chunk Road

Allentown, PA 18104


New York Office

Puerto Rico

456 Calle SaldaƱa

San Juan, PR 00909


PMB 207

1507 Ponce de Leon – PDA22

San Juan, PR 00909-1750

Recently Handled Claims

Here is a list of recently handled claims by Young Adjustment Company, Inc. and the value of the total damages:


Client / Loss

Damage Cost


The Applied Companies - Hoboken, NJ - Fire damages over 30 apartment units



Texas Textiles - Houston, TX - Hurricane Ike damages Linen company



The Crossings Apartments - Houston, TX - Hurricane Ike causes severe wind and water damage



Fairfield Apartments - Little Rock, AR - Fire destroys several units of apartment building



American Belt Company - Bensalem, PA - Wholesale belt company suffers fire and water damage



Camden Laboratories - Camden, NJ - Vandals destroy building and steal copper piping



Prince of Peace Baptist Church - Philadelphia, PA - Church suffers complete destruction



Rivera Suites - Wisconsin Dells,WI - Fire destroys entire motel building



NWJ - Washington, DC - Fire destroys 100 units of historical apartment building


Young Adjustment Company, Inc. Services

The Path To Recovery

Regardless of whether your loss is big or small, commercial or residential, our services provide the path to recovery. Here are some of the steps we will be taking for you:

1. Inspection of building damage with our construction experts.

2. Itemize damaged personal property.

3. Analyze physical damage to determine its impact on business operations.

4. Provide preliminary estimates to set the insurance reserve.

5. Perform forensic accounting to compute business interruption losses.

6. Provide detailed documentation of the loss.

7. Review the claim with the client prior to its submission

8. With the approval of the client, formally submit the claim.

9. Meet and negotiate with the insurance company to effect a settlement

10. Prepare the necessary documents in order to obtain payment of the claim.